HEAL-LINK Databases
This page presents, Bibliographic Databases which can be accessed through our participation in HEAL-Link (Hellenic Academic Libraries LINK).
For more information, you can see the following links from the HEAL-Link portal:
- Bibliographic & Full Text Databases
- E-books
- Frequent questions
- e-Journals by publisher/provider
- News and Announcements
Please note, that access is possible only through the network of the University of Athens, as well as using services such as VPN, Proxy server, etc.
For technical issues, regarding HEAL-Link subscriptions, you may contact support [at] heal-link.gr or 2310998210.
HEAL-Link has signed an annual contract regarding access to the legal basis *Westlaw UK Academic (previously known as "Westlaw International").
Access control will be done by IP address recognition until 31/07/2024 and from 01/08/2024 through an Institutional Account (SSO).
Westlaw is the world leader in providing online legal information and includes two databases:
- Westlaw Edge UK focusing on UK and EU legal material, from case law and legislation to journals and a selection of practitioner commentaries. This tier includes the most advanced features built to make the service easy to use, while supporting even the most in-depth research work.
- Westlaw International (Academic), a massive global legal research library based on some of the best legal, news and business information in the world. Providing 28,000 databases of case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties and directories sourced from Thomson Reuters businesses including Sweet & Maxwell, Ellis Publications and Carswell.
More specifically, it contains:
Annotations, Archbold Criminal Pleading Evidence and Practice, Bullen & Leake & Jacobs Precedents of Pleadings, C.I.P.A. Guide to the Patents Acts, Copinger and Skone James on Copyright, Crime, Current Sentencing Practice, EU Database, European Lawyer, Index of Legal Terms, Kerlys Law of Trade Marks and Trade Names, Palmers Company Law, Redfern & Hunter on International Arbitration, Renton and Brown Criminal Procedure, Renton and Brown Criminal Procedure Legislation, Scots Law, Terrell on the Law of Patents, The White Book, Totty & Moss: Insolvency, UK Case Analysis, UK Cases, UK Cases ICLR & SCLR PDFs, UK Current Awareness , UK Historic Legislation, UK Legislation, UK Legislation Analysis, UK Legislation PDFs, UK/EU Journals and Journal Indices, Westlaw International, Woodfall: Landlord and Tenant
JSTOR Essential Collection
We would like to inform you that HEAL-Link has signed a contract regarding access to the multi-thematic resource JSTOR Essential Collection.
Access control is done by IP address recognition.
The JSTOR Essential Collection contains 681 core journals in 45 academic disciplines, including History, Psychology, Sociology, Business, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Archaeology, Law, Music, Literature, Art, Architecture, Mathematics, Geography and other core fields of study and research. Some of the important journals included are:
- Ecology
- The Philosophical Review
- The American Political Science Review
- The Journal of Philosophy
- Mind
- The American Economic Review
- The Journal of Finance
- The American Journal of Mathematics
- International Affairs
- The Journal of Hellenic Studies
- The Classical Review
- Architectural History
- Twentieth Century Literature
- Harvard Law Review
- Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
Full-text articles are included for all issues of each journal beginning with Volume 1, Issue 1 up to the issue after which a rolling embargo applies. This rolling embargo refers to the content gap between the archived (previous) and current (most recent) issues of a journal and is set by the journal publisher. Most journals have a 3-5 year delay in inclusion in the JSTOR archive. Each year the rolling embargo resets on January 1 and another year's articles become available.
The detailed list of included titles is available to download here (tab-delimited .txt file).
In addition to the quality of content and breadth of coverage, the JSTOR Essential Collection offers users all the benefits of the JSTOR platform, including searchability, access to the JSTOR workspace, co-location with thousands of Open Access monographs and images, integration with discovery services, comprehensive data and usage reports and access to JSTOR's support service.
Connect to JSTOR Essential Collection
HeinOnline Academic Core
HeinOnline is a leading online research platform providing more than 215 million pages of multidisciplinary journals, key government documents, international sources, books, Treaties and more. Consisting of fully searchable image-based PDF files, the wealth of material allows researchers to access authoritative digital material, captured exactly as in its printed version, without the hassle or expense of using multiple research databases from different platforms.
The HeinOnline Academic Core (International) package includes an entire digital library containing more than 3,200 legal and law-related journals published in more than 60 different countries, along with thousands of legal data from Australia, Canada and Europe, a comprehensive database of Constitution data, including constitutional and governmental documents from every country, nearly 20,000 books and Treaties, and numerous government publications.
Thematic coverage:
- Constitutional law
- Law of the Sea
- Human Rights
- Women's Studies
- Criminal law
- International Commercial Law
- Education
All documents on HeinOnline are exact copies of the original print editions, provided in a fully searchable image-based format. Within the database, you'll find content from reputable publishers such as Brill Nijhoff, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Sage and more. Researchers will appreciate the use of the unique search tools within the platform, using artificial intelligence and visual aids for maximum ease of investigation. For additional assistance, users can visit HeinOnline's collection of help pages and libguides, or contact the support team by phone, email, or schedule a personalized training session.
For more information and the detailed list of bases included in the package, click here.
Cambridge Structural Database
Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is a Comprehensive Repository of Validated and Curated Small Molecule Organic and Metal-organic Crystal Structures. Established in 1965 with historical structures dating back to the 1920s, CSD now contains over 1.1M accurate 3D structures with data from X-ray and neutron diffraction analyses and additional curation from the CCDC.
The database is used by researchers across the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, and fine chemicals industries to predict and guide future discoveries. Being fully discoverable and accessible, the CSD is an essential trusted scientific resource giving big-data insights using powerful algorithms for molecular analysis. Additionally, the CSD is a CoreTrustSeal certified data repository.
- For more information see a more detailed description of the database (PDF)
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
Wolters Kluwer's Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy, is a first class anatomy learning solution, as it encompasses a service that features 3D-rotating macroscopic anatomy videos with real cadaver specimens. The database provides fundamental information to complement the learning and teaching provided in the classroom and in practice while also being an ideal resource for the institution's resident physicians, faculty and students participating in medical and nursing programs, physician assistants, physical therapy/occupational therapy, speech/language and dentistry.
- Supports the teaching and learning of anatomy with more than 300 narrated videos Includes content for upper limbs, lower limbs, trunk, head and neck, and internal organs, as well as brand new innovative content for the inner ear
- Allows students to view independently, frequently for review, self-assessment and practice exam preparation, as well as monitor their performance using interactive questions and answers and timed quizzes or review quizzes
- Demonstrates muscle function in 3D to colleagues, staff and patients
- Allows you to browse video clips, share with colleagues and add to a "favorites" area for quick reference
- Allows transcripts to be downloaded to PDF for use in teaching guides and patient handouts It is a complete 3D atlas containing videos of fresh anatomical specimens in their natural color
- It is ideal for preparation and review in gross human anatomy courses and in a laboratory setting It provides a 360-degree view of samples accompanied by clear narration and labeled structures
- Provides quick navigation to desired sections by area or via A-Z index
- It has been optimized for mobile devices
It provides access to the Elsevier database, with the ability to simultaneously search to more than 14,000 scientific journal titles and over the Internet. In addition, the display of results enables automatic linking to the full text of the article if the title belongs to a subscription of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (HEAL-Link).
If you are having trouble connecting to Scopus, then try logging in by clicking here.
Access to 4 sub-databases:
- Art Index and Art Index Retrospective: 55 years of Art-related publications, with journal references and museum yearbooks and reports - Sign in to Art Index, Συνδεθείτε στη βάση Art Index Retrospective
- Αrt Museum Image Gallery: Rich digital source of art images and related multimedia from prominent museum collections – Log in στη βάση
- Wilson OmniFile Full Text Select: Full text in more than 1600 journal titles – Log in στη βάση
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG)
Access to the full text of works preserved from the Homeric period (8th century BC) to 1453 AD Today, the TLG database contains more than 110 million words, 10,000 ancient Greek texts, associated with 4,000 authors. To access the TLG database, in addition to the IP address already registered with the provider, it is necessary to create an account for each user separately.
Note: According to a recent HEAL-Link announcement, we inform you that access to Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is expected to be interrupted in the near future due to the delay in the contract renewal process. The delay is due to the lengthy bureaucratic procedures required to sign the contract.
Electronic Sources of the Brill Publisher
Following the contract between HEAL-Link and Brill, Publisher, access to the following perpetual rights has been activated, covering the needs of the academic community in the field of humanities:
- Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek Online (English edition of Franco Montanari's Vocabolario della Lingua Greca, which, with a reputation for being the most important modern dictionary for ancient Greek, includes 140.000 keywords from literature, papyrus, inscriptions, and other sources from the archaic period up to and occasionally beyond the 6th century BC)
- Brill's Companions to Classical Studies Online I-IV (a series of εγχειριδίων, in English, on a wide variety of topics and figures from Classical Antiquity who have been hailed by European culture. Designed for students and scholars, the books explain the sources available, the methods and approaches that are appropriate for them, the issues that arise and how they are addressed, and lastly any disagreements that have been voiced)
- Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics Online (a unique work that brings together the latest researches from a range of disciplines that contribute to the knowledge of the ancient Greek language, offering a systematic and comprehensive overview of all aspects of ancient Greek history and study. An indispensable research tool for scholars and students of Greek language. Linguistics, other Indo-European languages, and biblical bibliography)
- International Aristotle Bibliography (a comprehensive research tool that provides access to over 50,000 books, journal articles, book chapters, book reviews and theses about the philosopher Aristotle and his influence. The bibliography covers more than 100 years of publication in a wide range of languages)
- Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (a useful tool for scholars of Greek and Latin antiquity as a first point of reference for information on ancient grammarians, especially in the research on the history of philology, grammar and ancient academic knowledge. It currently contains entries for more than 300 grammarians)
- New Pauly Online (access to the German encyclopedia for the ancient world Metzler's Der Neue Pauly as well as the English version of Brill's New Pauly. This is an incomparable up-to-date informational work on antiquity because of its encyclopedic coverage, its high academic level, its modern and interscientific approach. It extensively refers to Greco-Roman antiquity, spanning more than two thousand years of history, while particularly highlighting the long and significant influence of antiquity and the process of continuous review and reassessment of ancient heritage, including history and classical knowledge)
- New Pauly Supplements I (collection of informational works that complement and enrich the encyclopedic source New Pauly Online. It includes 6 important informational works on the study of the ancient world and its reception in the following centuries. The collection consists of the following titles: 1. Chronologies of the Ancient World, 2. Dictionary of Greek and Latin Authors and Texts, 3. The Historical Atlas of the Ancient World, 4. The Reception of Myth and Mythology, 5. The Reception of Classical Literature, 6. The History of Classical Scholarship)
- Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Online (collection of recently published Greek inscriptions as well as studies in older known documents. It presents full Greek texts of all new inscriptions accompanied by critical commentary, it summarizes new readings, interpretations and studies of well-known inscriptions and it occasionally presents the Greek text of these documents)
Archive collection of Periodicals Archive Online journals
HEAL-Link has made a contract with ProQuest and ensured perpetual access to the database Periodicals Archive Online (Collections 1-10) for all its members.
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO) is a landmark digital archive that provides access to over 15 million digitized pages, offering, thus, an exceptional interdisciplinary collection covering two centuries in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Users can have direct access to a wide range of research material on different disciplines and types of publications, published from 1802 to the 21st century. It is a global coverage source as its contents are in over 20 languages, making it one of the most important archives available today.
Journal titles included in the PAO collection will shortly be integrated and available through Alphabetical and Subject Indexes of the HEAL-Link’s portal .
As part of the renewal contract with Springer Nature for the period 2019-2021, the publisher has granted access to the current content of Nature journal (from 2015 until today) for all members of the Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (SEAB).
Specifically, like all the members of the Association, users of the NKUA network now have access to this journal from 1869 until 2006 and from 2015 until today.
Project MUSE
University Press Books
Access to approximately 2000 full text e-books of various well-known academic publications.
Scientific journals
Access to more than 650 full text e-journals covering various subject categories.
Access to the e-journals that have been "activated" and are accessible through Portico. Portico offers a permanent archive of online journals. It protects this material against possible loss of access (e.g. cessation of a publisher’s operations, discontinuation of a title by a publisher, termination of license agreement etc.).
De Gruyter electronic journals collections

Under an agreement with De Gruyter, HEAL-Link has acquired access to more than 340 peer-reviewed journal titles in various disciplines including social sciences, humanities, science, engineering, technology and medicine.
More specifically, HEAL-Link memebers have access to the following journal collections: