Library services
All registered members of the NKUA libraries can borrow items from the Library of the School of Philosophy (see NKUA Libraries Lending regulations)
Library membership application should be sent at Helpdesk
Borrowing terms and conditions
- Every registered library member of the University can borrow books with her/his academic id card from the Library of the School of Philosophy.
- All checked out items from university library branches are summed up and the time period is calculated in terms of calendar days.
- Items checked out from the Library of the School of Philosophy, should be checked in only at the Library of the School of Philosophy.
- To renew a library item the user shoud contact the Library the day due back at helpdesk or by bringing the item at the desk. The renewal can be done only at he Library from which the item is checked out.
- All users are notified to return overdue books via automated email the day before the item is due back, the next day and three days after the book is due back. The email is sent from the following address (ilsas(at), and the subject is «Notice from the Library». It is recommended that the users check spam folder regularly for these emails.
- Overdue items cannot be renewed.
- After a book is 3 days overdue, the borrowing privilege of the user will be suspended for as many days as the days delayed.
- In case of repeated delays, the library membership will be suspended for as long as the Library Commitee will conclude.
- In case of loss of an item the user should replace it. In case of a damaged item, the user should arrange for its repair.
Erasmus students who have borrowed books from the Library, have to submit the Certificate of No Checked Out books to the Secretariat of their Department. This document should be filled in and signed by the Head of the Library. Students that have not arranged any pending issues with the Library will not be able to obtain the Transcript of Records. Please see the Erasmus website.
Visit website in greek.
Login to my account - Check what you have on loan
When users are registered with the Library, they receive a welcoming email with a link to activate their library member account.
Having this account, they can check due dates of borrowed items and renew them, they can manage personal information (password, etc) , make searching and reading lists.
Library users keeping an account with the previous Library system, need to create a new account entering their email adress as login and following the instructions in the image.
Instructions for recovering access
Article ordering and interlibrary loan service
If you are a member of the Library of the School of Philosophy and an item you need is not held at the Library, you may still be able to access it by requesting it via either the article ordering or interlibrary loan service. The expenses for this service are undertaken by the library user.
- For article ordering service, please fill in the article order form and contact:
M.Christidi - V.Diakatos, tel. 210.727 7828, 7687, phil(at)
- For interlibrary loan service, please fill in the Interlibrary loan request form and contact:
M. Loumpaki, N.Paraskevopoulou - tel. 210 727 7416, 210 727 7605,
User training and study spaces
The Library organizes training tours and seminars to groups of students so that they become familiar with the space and the services offered. They are informed about the library floor plan, the study areas and every aspect of using the Library, from finding and borrowing books, to accessing online resources, e-journals, e-books and databases. The tours and seminar schedule are announced on the library website.
Visitors are allowed access to the Library’s bookshelves and reading spaces.