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Library of the School of Agricultural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability

The Library of the School of Agricultural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability of the Evripus Campus, is located in Psachna, Evia (Evripos building complex, Building A'). It covers the needs and requirements of the School of Agricultural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability as well as the basic needs of the other Departments located in the same campus.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 - 16.00. During public holidays the Library is closed. During the holidays (Christmas, Easter, summer) the schedule is adjusted accordingly.

Tel. : (+30) 22280 21844  &  22280 21843

Email: agroada@lib.uoa.gr

Staff: Maria Karlatira (administrative), Maria Bougioukou (librarian), Eirini Reppa (librarian)

The purpose of the Library is to support the educational and research activity of the School of Rural Development, Nutrition and Sustainability in the context of the respective undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Modern and competitive knowledge for the development of the Agro-Food Sector, the emphasis on new technologies in the field of Agriculture, the development of innovative agro-food products, the Management of Natural Resources, the Protection of the Environment, etc. are part of the thematic pillars of the development of its collection.

Collection: the collection is  organized according to the international library standards which is regularly updated.

The WEBSITE of the Library and Information Center includes all electronic resources and related electronic services, being hosted and maintained by the Library Computer Center (LCC) of NKUA.

Libray OPAC: https://opac.seab.gr/search~S6*eng

Loans:  Αre only made to NKUA members, provided they have issued a special (academic) loan card which is also strictly personal. Borrowing requires users to register with their School's Library by submitting an application (Monday to Friday 09.00-15.00). Keeping record with the aforementioned information is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation.

  • External users cannot borrow library material, but can study on site. All users who are not able to borrow Library material, are admitted to the Library after handing over a valid personal ID document, which is returned to them when they leave. The loan card is not transferable and can only be used by its owner.
  • Loan Regulation (PDF in Greek)