Students with disabilities
Students with disabilities at NKUA enjoy a range of services related to the Library and Information Center, which are briefly described in the following sections.
Through the Pergamos Institutional Repository, students can search for texts that have already been digitized, transcribed to accessible form and have been integrated into the "Accessible Texts" collection. According to the current organized provision of services for students with disabilities at the NKUA, the actual digital material corresponding to accessible texts is not freely available through Pergamos. Students can obtain the texts they’ve detected and are interested in by contacting our Foundation's Accessibility Unit.
The Accessibility Unit of NKUA, manages the ERMOFILOS Information System, which provides Digital Accessible Academic Textbook Services for students with disabilities. Students may address the unit in order to search for or create texts they are interested in, in accessible formats that are appropriate for them. The ERMOFILOS and Pergamos platforms are interoperable, properly updating the Collection of Accessible Texts in Pergamos.
Specialized workstations

Starting in 1999, NKUA libraries have been equipped with specialized workstations for students with disabilities, mainly for those with vision or mobility limitations (arm handicapped). The installation and maintenance of these stations is achieved in cooperation with the "Accessibility Unit" of the NRC.
- Libraries with installed workstations for students with disabilities indicate this by displaying the relevant icon among their “Services to users” (look for the relevant information in the "list of School Libraries" of the NRC).
- For more information on libraries with workstations for students with disabilities consult:
AMELib – Accessible Multi-modal Electronic Library

AMELib has been developed as part of the services offered by the "Hellenic Academic Libraries Association (SEAB)" and aims to provide accessible (online) books to all beneficiary print disabled students of Greek academic libraries. It is also, the first attempt of an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) to document, based on international standards, international accessible bibliography in Greece, following international developments in this field.