Journals(electronic and printed)

Electronic Journals Subscription List

For the current academic year (2022), the is no active direct online subscription to electronic journals by the Library and Information Center of NKUA.

However, online access is provided to journal subscriptions by HEAL-Link or through subscriptions to full text databases.


Overview list of printed journals subscribed by NKUA

Overview list of printed journals subscribed by NKUA

  • Various information (i.e.titles of journals, years of subscription, volumes and issues)  is offered for  NKUA subscriptions mainly for printed journals. For any journals known to be available electronically, a URL is also provided.
  • Users can search  the catalog further for journal titles by selecting "Advanced search" (top left hand corner) and then the "Material type" tab, where "Continuing Resources" must be checked. At the search fields provided, users can enter search keywords/terms and then press "Search". You may get better search reseults by using  lower case letters and by avoiding accented letters. The use of an asterisk (*) is suggested to be used as a wildcard symbol that widens the search. For instance, if you search the term librar* you will acquire variations of the term such as library, libraries, librarian etc.

Connect to the Catalog


Electronic journals subscribed by Heal-Link

NKUA provides through HEAL-Link, online access to approximately 10.000 journal titles, covering a broad range of disciplines. Heal-Link provides:

e-resources Title Search Service (via Summon)

Alphabetical (Α-Ζ type) browse and search service on title level of e-resources (books and journals) via the  Summon platform. Search is performed within all journals and books included in bibliographic databases, collections or individually, that have been denoted as e-resources in the ProQuest Summon service and are included in NKUA subscriptions, either directly or via HEAL-Link.

  • Title searches can be performed by keywords included in the title, by ISSN/ISBN, by subject area,  based on DOI / PubMed ID (PMID), for specific types of material or within specific electronic resources.

Go to the alphabetical title search service


BrowZine: a unified service for accessing journals


BrowZine service by Third Iron is an alternative way of accessing online journals accessible via respective agreements with publishers or via databases containing them. (NKUA or HEAL-Link subscriptions.)  Search options include searching by subject, title or ISSN.

Browzine acts supplementary to the A-Z e-resources search via Summon, since it includes all journals  reported in it.

Connect to Browzine:

Additionally, the service is offered as an application for smartphones or tablets, bearing the same features mentioned above:

  1. Install BrowZine application for Android, iOS or Kindle from Google Play Store, Apple App Store or Amazon App Store (if you were using the app via the open access library you must delete it and reinstall it).
  2. If you are connected to the NKUA network, open the app, select National and Kapodistrian University of Athens from the list of libraries provided and click continue.
  3. You may now use the app, searching journals by subject, title or ISSN.



Publication Finder Service (via EBSCOhost)

This is a navigation and search service (alphabetical Α-Ζ) on e-resources on title level (books and journals) via the EBSCOhost platform, in all periodical publications and books included in bibliographic databases, in collections or individually, that either belong to EBSCO or have been designated as research resources in the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), and are included in NKUA subscriptions directly or via HEAL-Link.

  • Search titles using keywords included in the title, subject or ISSN.


Go to Publication Finder