Bibliographic Databases of NKUA - Trial Access
On this page, one can find the bibliographic databases (if any) to which the NKUA has trial access for a limited period of time (please note, that access is possible only through the network of the University of Athens, as well as using services such as VPN, Proxy server, etc.). Αan updated list or trials can be found here.
ProQuest Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection

Trial access is granted to the full content of ProQuest Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection through February 28th 2025.
Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection preserves diverse live performances, covering the evolution of jazz and beyond — representing funk, soul, hip-hop, folk, indie, electronic, blues, and other eclectic world genres. Co-created by Quincy Jones & Reza Ackbaraly, this unique collection of highly curated 150 titles makes timeless concerts and global music accessible for research, teaching and learning.
Access is provided via the URL:
Alternatively, access can be achieved through the federated access portal to all Proquest Databases that NKUA is currently subscribed to or having trial access to:
Note: It is necessary to accept cookies, captcha, etc., that you'll be likely to be prompted to, in order to have proper access to the databases.
Trial access to Brill's Linguistic Bibliography Online

Trial access to the full content of Linguistic Bibliography Online by Brill, through February 13th 2025.
Linguistic Bibliography Online contains over 815,000 detailed bibliographical descriptions of linguistic publications on general and applied linguistics. It includes all bibliographical references of the printed yearbooks since 1977, as well as additional materials which are exclusive to the online version, such as references to online resources.
Coronavirus Research Database

The Coronavirus Research Database by ProQuest, provides coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak by curating openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv and will continue to grow and evolve as more is learned about the pandemic.
Alternatively, you can search the database by using the federal search service on all ProQuest databases we are currently having an active subscription:
Access to additional collections of JSTOR journals, primary sources and ebooks

JSTOR, in the context of actively supporting distance education activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, offers its subscribers access to additional content (in excess of existing active subscriptions), in the following manner:
- Until June 30th 2022 (extended expanded access form the original ending date of December 31st, 2020 which was originally extended by June 30th 2021), to 21 collections of journals, 3 thematic collections and 4 collections of primary sources (view more information at:
- Until June 30th 2021 to 26 journal archives in Public Health (view more information at:
- Until June 30th 2021 to 6,000+ selected journal articles related to COVID-19 — articles cover important topics such as coronavirus, communicable disease control, distance education, health surveillance, and more (view more information at:
- Until August 31st, 2020, to more than 32,000 ebooks by more than 40 publishers (view more information at:
List of trials
The databases that we already have had trial access to, are the following:
ProQuest Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection (17/1-28/2/2025), Brill Linguistic Bibliography Online (14/1-13/2/2025), Elsevier's Embase (12/11-1/12/2024), ProQuest One Psychology (14/10-14/12/2024), ProQuest One Education (14/10-14/12/2024), Complete Anatomy by Elsevier (7/10-31/12/2024, through HEAL-Link), Embase (1-21/4/2024), De Gruyter eBook collection (1/2-30/4/2024), CNKI Express (15/1-15/7/2024), ProQuest Early Modern Books (περιλαμβάνει τις βάσεις Early European Books και Early English Books Online) (3/10-2/11/2023), Gale Primary Sources και Gale Research Complete (15/9-14/11/2023), CAS SciFinder Discovery (15/5-15/6/2023), CAB Abstracts Full Text (2/5-1/7/2023), eHRAF World Cultures (5/1-5/3/2023), ProQuest Global Newsstream (27/10/2022-11/12/2022), ProQuest One Business and ProQuest Social Science Premium Collection (30/9/2022-29/11/2022 - extended through 30/12//2022), Nineteenth Century Literary Society: The John Murray Publishing Archive (1-29/6/2022), Statista (14/1-15/2/2022), RetroNews (5/10-5/11/2021), Med Journal by Cell Press (20/9 - 31/12/2021), Legal Source, Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text and Political Science Complete (10/5-8/6/2021), Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry (15/4-1/5/2021), Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials (12/4-11/5-2021), Statista (25/3-24/4/2021), GeoRef and GeoScienceWorld Journal Collection (13/1-28/2/2020), Academic Video Online by Alexander Street of ProQuest (23/11-31/12/2020), Academic Search Ultimate (ASU) from EBSCO (5/11-31/12/2020), De Gruyter eJournal collection (5/10-30/12/2020), Artstor Didital Library (1/8-31/12/2020 - extended until 30/6/2021), Additional collections of JSTOR journals, primary sources and ebooks (1/6-31/8/2020 - extended until 30/6/2021), The New York Times and New York Times in Education (27/5 - 31/7/2020), De Gruyter eBook collection (25/5-30/6/2020 - extended until 31/7/2020), MedOne Plastic Surgery by Thieme Publishers (25/5-31/7/2020), Translated Texts for Historians E-Library by Liverpool University Press (22/5-22/7/2020), AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill Medical (19/5-18/7/2020), Gale Reference Complete (20/5-31/7/2020 .. extended through 30/9/2020), SPIE Digital Library (19/5-17/7/2020), Oxford Reports on International Law/Oxford Scholarship Online/Oxford Handbooks Online by Oxford University Press (15/5-14/7/2020), Psychiatry Online (POL) from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Publishing (13/5-7/7/2020), AccessSurgery from McGraw-Hill Medical (10/5-9/7/2020), Complete Chicago Package by The University of Chicago Press (4/5-6/7/2020), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (4/5-5/7/2020), 3 Dentistry Journals by Elsevier (4/5-4/6/2020), Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment ONLINE (29/4-28/6/2020), GeoScienceWorld eBooks (28/4-30/6/2020), Embase (28/4-26/5/2020), Camridge Core collections (23/4-31/5/2020), Duke University Press mathematical journals via Project Euclid (22/4/-2-/7/2020), Duke University Press eBooks/eJournals (22/4 - 20/7/2020), MIT Press Direct eBooks (22/4-31/5/2020), Berghahn Journals (21/4-30/6/2020), SAGE Video/Research Methods Video/Knowledge (15/4/15/7/2020), Bloomsbery Digital Resources (21/4-31/5/2020), The Literary Encylcopedia (14/4-30/6/2020), IΕΕΕ elearning (μέσω ΣΕΑΒ/HEAL-Link 2/4-30/6/2020), ProQuest One Academic, ProQuest One Literature, Music and Dance Online Alexander Street (31/3-30/6/2020), Loeb Classical Library (23/3-30/6/2020), JoVe Education (20/3-15/6/2020), Statista (1-31/3/2020), BrowZine by Third Iron (22/1 - 20/2/2020 - extended untill 31/12/2020), Reaxys and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry by Elsevier (2/12/2019 - 31/5/2020), ProQuest One Academic and ProQuest Research Companion by ProQuest ( 1/11 - 31/12/2019), All Prepols Publishers Dataases (21/10 - 19/11/2019), International Journal of Sports Medicine by Thieme Publisher (9/9 - 31/12/2019) GeoScienceWorld (7-31 / 5/2019), JoVE-Journal of Visualized Experiments (22/3 - 25/4/2019), all magazines of Bentham Science Publishers (18/3 - 18/6/2019), zbMAth by Springer Nature (18/2 - 18/4/2019), ProQuest Art and Architecture Archive and Art, Design & Architecture Collection (26/11 - 26/12/2018), AVON-Academic Video Online (09 / 11 - 21/12/2018), ProQuest Central (10/11 - 15/12 2018), 6 additional e-book collections by Springer Publisher (via HEAL-Link until 12/9 - 30/11/2018), MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost, 7/2 - 10/3/2018), OECD iLibrary (via HEAL- Link, 23/1 - 30/6/2018), ProQuest's Criminology Collection (25/1 - 24/2/2018), Brill's Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Collection (15/1 - 13/2/2018), The collections of "Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820", "Women and Social Movements, International" and "AVON-Academic Video Online" by Alexander Street (14/12 / 2017-26 / 1/2018), All journals (2016 and 2017 issues) by Future Science Group (7/3 - 31/12 2017), The Brill Dictionary of Ancient Greek by Brill (21/2 - 22/3 2017), Climate Change and Law Collection Brill House (18/1 - 16/2 2017), Bentham Science Journals (16/1/15 2017), International Maritime Boundaries Brill House Online (23/11 - 22/12 2016), Brill House United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (23/11 - 22/12 2016), ProQuest eBook Central (20/10 - 31/12) 2016), South Asia Archive (20 / 5-20 / 6 2016), Reaxys & Reaxys Medical Chemistry (15 / 4-15 / 5 2016), All IGI GLobal Home bases (6 / 4-6 / 5 2016) , All the Databases of Brill Publishers (20 /1-28 / 2 2016).