Submit a thesis/dissertation to Pergamos Institutional Repository

All postgraduate students and PhD candidates should keep an active email account with NΚUA, which is activated by the Network Operation and Management Center, tel. 210.7275600, helpdesk(at)
When they have had their thesis or their doctoral dissertation approved and graded, they are required to deposit it in Pergamos.
- Students download the Pergamos Certificate/Consent form found on the Library’s website.
- They fill in the form, paying attention to the access restriction field, and sign it.
- The Certificate/Consent form file in .jpeg form (photo) is then sent by email to their Department’s Secretariat. see below
- The Certificate/Consent form is printed out, stamped, signed, and photographed by the Secretariat’s personnel who then send it to the Library, with a notification to the interested party.
- Students upload their thesis/dissertation on the Pergamos Institutional Repository using their institutional codes of access.
- Any change in the thesis/dissertation status on Pergamos will generate and send an automated message to the interested party to which they cannot respond.
Note: The submission of a printed copy of the thesis or dissertation, where required, takes place in the Library.
Tips for posting

- The thesis/dissertation committee should always be indicated in the thesis/dissertation file as well as in the Pergamos form.
- Whatever access restriction is stated in the Pergamos Certificate/Consent form should also be stated in the process of posting.
- Capital letters are never used for the name or surname, keywords, title, etc.
- The uploading file must be in a PDF format.
- The Library encourages students to put their thesis/dissertation on open access status. To make their thesis openly available.
Access to Pergamos and special permissions

In case students wish to restrict access to their thesis/dissertation due to special reasons, they can submit a Request for access restriction to the Library Board of Trustees. If necessary, in case of submitting a doctoral dissertation, a printed justification form is also submitted to the Library.
There is always the option to post-release a thesis/dissertation that has previously been posted on the Pergamos Institutional Repository with limited access. In this case, the interested party may contact the Library.
The Library strongly supports οpen access to scientific publications and encourages students make their work openly available.