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News & Announcements

We inform you that a malfunction has been observed in OPAC.Efforts are being made to resolve the issue.

Summer opening hours 2022 (18/7 - 2/9): Monday - Friday 08:30-16:30. The Law Library will remain closed from 8 to 19 August.

We inform you that Pergamos and e-Pub are back online.

We inform you that there is an inability to access Scopus. The publisher has been notified by HEAL-Link and we are waiting for their actions to…

Due to a sudden technical incident, Pergamos and e-Pub services are currently offline.

Operating Hours during Easter Holidays

The Library of the School of Education Sciences will be open for the users at the following days and hours: Monday 18/04/22 to Wednesday 20/04/22…

The Library of the School of Philosophy will be open 8.30-16.00, Monday (18/4) to Wednesday (20/4) and Wednesday (27/4) to Friday (29/4). Thursday…

The library of the School of Economics and Political Science, during the Easter Holidays, will operate as follows: The library of Departments of…

The library today, Thursday 24/03/2022, will close at 14:30 due to the celebration of the 25th of March.